
The Apostolate
Ecce Ancilla Domini... Fiat

We care for orphans and abandoned children in Orphanages and cater for the physically challenged in Handicapped Centers. We undertake School, Medical, Social and Pastoral work. Besides, we look after the aged in Nursing/Retirement Homes.

Poor and Needy Apostolate

Our apostolate to the poor and the needy takes precedence over all other apostolates. The zeal to care for the poor and needy makes us to seek them out in their homes, in schools, hospitals, and on the streets, and assist them as much as our resources could permit. We appeal on behalf of the poor, solicit material and financial assistance from the rich to give to the poor. We care for the poor and needy in orphanages, motherless babies’ homes, special centers for the physically and mentally challenged, and so forth. Know More

Healing Apostolate

In our healing apostolate, we strive towards the healing of the whole human person, the soul, the spirit, the mind, and the body. We carry out our healing activities in an empathetic, kind, gentle, and pastoral manner, for it is our conviction that in addition to the required medication for the sick, a gentle touch, a soft soothing voice, and a tender loving care, contribute and help in alleviating the sufferings and/or healing of the sick. In our healing apostolate, we work in hospitals, nursing homes, group homes, private homes, clinics, etc. Know More

Education Apostolate

In our teaching apostolate, we make it our primary objective to impart sound moral and spiritual values, taking note of advances in psychological, pedagogical and intellectual sciences. In other words, our teaching apostolate entails the integral education of the whole human person, nurturing and inculcating in persons proper ethical values, virtues, and morals that would enable them to be good citizens who will in turn make meaningful contributions to the society. Know More

Spiritual Apostolate

In our Pastoral Apostolate we assist in the coordination of the pastoral activities of the church; giving spiritual guidance and counseling to the faithful; coordinating pious societies, preparing candidates for the reception of the various church sacraments. We work as Hospital Chaplains, Spiritual directors, Eucharistic Ministers, Social workers, etc., for the spiritual and social welfare of all. Know More